That she is one of the biggest dancing divas is beyond doubt. But in &TV's latest offering So You Think You Can Dance 'Ab India Ki Baari' judge Madhuri Dixit will be seen in a DIVA look that has been very carefully crafted just for her. In the first look promo of the upcoming dance reality show the dhak dhak girl will be seen sporting a tangerine dress paired with coffee-colored stilettoes and a glam hairstyle, wearing her glossy strands down in full waves.
Madhuri believes dance is not just a hobby or a passion, but it is an expression of one's self and one can only expect the gorgeous lady to put her best foot forward! The world's biggest dance show will stand witness to an epic battle which will see two dance forms, Stage and Street fight it out for the greatest honor. Madhuri Dixit, one of the three judges on the show will be seen encouraging the young talent to express themselves better.
Get ready for the biggest dance show 'So You Think You Can Dance' coming this April only on &TV
Monday, April 11, 2016 13:23 IST